
Releasing igloo#


Releasing can be performed only for igloo-parent if igloo-maven / igloo-commons are untouched. Just set IGLOO_XXX_VERSION accordingly and start procedure at igloo-parent step.


# igloo-maven #

mvn jgitflow:release-start
mvn -DskipTests -DnoDeploy jgitflow:release-finish
git push origin main dev v$IGLOO_MAVEN_VERSION

# igloo-commons #

# update parent
mvn versions:update-parent -pl . -DparentVersion=$IGLOO_MAVEN_VERSION -DskipResolution -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
# update igloo.igloo-maven.version property
mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=igloo.igloo-maven.version -DnewVersion=$IGLOO_MAVEN_VERSION -DprocessAllModules=true -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
# check changes with git diff
git add -A
git commit
# perform jgitflow release
mvn jgitflow:release-start
mvn -DskipTests -DnoDeploy jgitflow:release-finish
git push origin main dev v$IGLOO_COMMONS_VERSION

# igloo-parent #

# update parents
mvn versions:update-parent -pl .,:igloo-parent-maven-configuration-common -DparentVersion=$IGLOO_MAVEN_VERSION -DskipResolution -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
# update igloo-maven.version, igloo-commons.version
mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=igloo-maven.version -DnewVersion=$IGLOO_MAVEN_VERSION -DprocessAllModules=true -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=igloo-commons.version -DnewVersion=$IGLOO_COMMONS_VERSION -DprocessAllModules=true -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
# check changes with git diff
git add -A
git commit
# perform jgitflow release
mvn jgitflow:release-start
mvn -DskipTests -DnoDeploy jgitflow:release-finish
git push origin master dev vX.X.X

# Switch back to snapshot dependencies #


# igloo-commons #

git checkout dev
# update parent
mvn versions:update-parent -pl . -DparentVersion=$IGLOO_MAVEN_VERSION -DskipResolution -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
# update igloo.igloo-maven.version property
mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=igloo.igloo-maven.version -DnewVersion=$IGLOO_MAVEN_VERSION -DprocessAllModules=true -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
git commit -a -m "switch back to SNAPSHOT"
git push

# igloo-parent #

git checkout dev
# update parents
mvn versions:update-parent -pl .,:igloo-parent-maven-configuration-common -DparentVersion=$IGLOO_MAVEN_VERSION -DskipResolution -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
# update igloo-maven.version, igloo-commons.version
mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=igloo-maven.version -DnewVersion=$IGLOO_MAVEN_VERSION -DprocessAllModules=true -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=igloo-commons.version -DnewVersion=$IGLOO_COMMONS_VERSION -DprocessAllModules=true -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
git commit -a -m "switch back to SNAPSHOT"
git push

Commands listed above allow for each Igloo sub-project to update igloo dependencies version, perform commit, and push to repository. Release is performed by CI/CD.

Releasing org.iglooproject.webjars:boostrap4#

Repository igloo-project/bootstrap4 is a lightweight wrapper to repackage org.webjars.npm:bootstrap under a specific groupId/artifactId. This is needed to allow embedding of different bootstrap version in the same igloo project (needed if console is bootstrap 5 and application is still bootstrap 4).

If a new bootstrap version is needed, change project version and push modification on main branch. main branch is automatically published.

Updating an igloo-based project#

Once igloo-parent is released:

  • pom.xml: parent version (igloo-parent-core-project)

  • pom.xml: igloo.version property

Release a backport#

If you need to release a hotfix on a previously released version (adapt version numbers):

# Create a branch from the desired root version
git checkout -b ft-4.4-deploy v4.4.0
# Apply a new SNAPSHOT version
mvn versions:set versions:commit -DnewVersion=4.4.2-SNAPSHOT -DprocessAllModules=true
git commit -a -m "Prepare 4.4.2 backport release"
# Backport and commit your fixes (manually, cherry-pick, ...)
# you can publish this version if needed by pushing your branch to CI

# When your branch is OK, update your version
mvn versions:set versions:commit -DnewVersion=4.4.2 -DprocessAllModules=true
git commit -a -m "Release 4.4.2 backport"
git tag v4.4.2
git push origin ft-4.4-deploy
git push refs/tags/v4.4.2

# CI build for ft-4.4-deploy will publish your new release
# Branch ft-4.4-deploy can be removed once published (we only keep tag).