HistoryLog & Audit#


The history log machinery is designed to track the action performed on our business entities.

It can also be used to track the differences but this feature should be used with caution as it can be quite time consuming to configure and has a negative impact on performance.

Logs are performed upon commit (just before the commit), in order to:

  • Remove duplicate logs

  • Ensure that all edits on the entities are over, so that a diff can safely be computed

Warning: Please note that when performing a batch processing, you should take care of calling ITransactionSynchronizationTaskManagerService.beforeClear() before flushing the indexes and clearing the Hibernate session, so that the logs can be safely flushed too.

Using it in your application#

Setting up#

The basic application provide a basic (but functional) template for setting up the HistoryLog. See package org.iglooproject.basicapp.core.business.history for more information.

The minimal set of classes to define includes:

  • The concrete enum representing HistoryEvents (create, update, sign-in, …)

  • The concrete class for your HistoryLogs, with (optionally) custom fields.

  • Your HistoryLogDao and HistoryLogService, which may simply extend the provided abstract classes

  • Your own implementation of the bean that will store additional informations about log objects: HistoryLogAdditionalInformationBean. This bean serves as a way to pass additional parameters to the HistoryLogService: secondary objects (for actions performed on more than one object), contextual information (to enable later search on logs with filters on objects linked to the main object at the time of the action), … It’s typically not recommended to randomly use the object1…4 fields (see AbstractHistoryLogAdditionalInformationBean for more information).

You may also want to define a HistoryLogSearchQuery for querying you history. An example is provided in the basic application.

Recording simple logs#

historyLogService.log(HistoryEventType.SIGN_IN, user, HistoryLogAdditionalInformationBean.of(user));

Recording diff-enabled logs#

Linking a full diff of the main object to the log:

historyLogService.logWithDifferences(HistoryEventType.UPDATE, person, HistoryLogAdditionalInformationBean.of(person), userDifferenceService);

The code above will add to the log every change on every relevant fields of the given entity. This is typically what we do upon updates.

Sometimes, though, you only want to record changes on a subset of the entity fields. This is typically what’s required upon create/delete (where we know that almost all fields will change), but it may be done upon updates, too.

Here’s how to link a minimal diff of the main object to the log:

historyLogService.logWithDifferences(HistoryEventType.UPDATE, person,

Optionnally, you may pass to those methods one or several IDifferenceHandler<T>, which are ways for you to inspect a diff, and do something based on that information. This is typically used to update a date on the entity when some field changed.

For more information about setting up a difference service, see DifferenceService.

Displaying the logs on the user interface#

Basic stuff#

The basic application contains everything needed to display the audit. See UserHistoryLogPanel.


The history log machinery uses the renderers/converters infrastructure so you need to define either converters (in your YourAppApplication.newConverterLocator() or renderers (in YourAppWebappConfig.rendererService()).

Resource keys for difference display#

When the label of a field needs to be displayed, several resource keys are tried, in this order:

  • history.difference<entity resource key>.<property.path>

  • business<entity resource key>.<property path>

  • history.difference.common.<property.path>

  • business.<property path>

The first key that actually exists in you properties is used. This behavior is defined in the basic application class HistoryDifferencePathRenderer.

The resource key for each entity is defined in AbstractHistoryRenderer.