SQL script generation#

Model - Database comparisons#


*SqlUpdateScriptMain.java is named at project generation’s time: for instance MyProjectSqlUpdateScriptMain.java.

The class <Project>SqlUpdateScriptMain.java generates the differences between your java model and your database model to write the result as an update sql script. It can also generate an sql script for the creation of your whole database.

To launch this script, make sure you are in the basic-application/basic-application-core directory, then execute

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.iglooproject.basicapp.core.cli.<Project>ApplicationSqlUpdateScriptMain" -Dexec.args="update stdout"

Available args are:

  • [update|create]: compute create (from scratch) or update (from current situation) SQL script.

  • [stdout|filename]: output script in console or in provided filename.

  • By default, this command outputs update script on stdout

Igloo < 4.0.0#

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.iglooproject.basicapp.init.<Project>ApplicationSqlUpdateScriptMain" -Dexec.args="arg0 arg1"
You need to provide two arguments :
  • arg0 is the mode of the script, you have the choice between create for generating your database’s creation script, and update for generating the update of your database.

  • arg1 is the path to the file which will contain the result script.

SqlUpdateScriptMain not available#

If you project does not supply *SqlUpdateScriptMain, you can copy and rename the file from package org.iglooproject.basicapp.core.cli in you project and adapt them.