
org.iglooproject.jpa.hibernate.model.naming.ImplicitNamingStrategyLegacyJpaComponentPathImpl is removed and replaced with ImplicitNamingStrategyJpaComponentPathImpl.

To check if this change is problematic with your database model, use *SqlUpdateScriptMain to check and compare new database model with your previous version.

Hibernate 5.2.13 (upstream)#

Changes in the @TableGenerator and @SequenceGenerator name scope#

cf http://in.relation.to/2018/02/07/hibernate-orm-5213-final-release/

In order to be compliant with the JPA specifications, the names of identity generators need now be considered global, and no longer scoped to the entity in which they are declared. This means existing applications might now have a naming conflict which needs to be addressed to upgrade. Configuring two generators, even with different types but with the same name will now cause a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException to be thrown at boot time.

TODO lazy-loading on identifier access

Hibernate 5.3.0 (upstream)#

Hibernate 5.3 is mainly a maintenance release, with some important modification: