Flyway model update#

Igloo reuses Spring-boot Flyway integration to manage database migrations.

Properties configuration#

Basic properties#

Before using Flyway’s features, you need to configure the following properties:

# the schema that Flyway will use
# the table that Flyway will use, by convention `flyway_schema_version` 

Migration properties#

Database model migration can be used to perform :

  • schema initialization only

  • schema initialization and data import

First use-case is used for integration tests, as data are generally bootstraped by test code (and not by migration scripts).

Second use-case is used for application bootstrap in early realease stages.

Default configurations provided by Igloo use the following paths:

  • db/migration/common/* : contains schema initialization scripts

  • db/migration/init/* : contains data initialization scripts

When you want to include both common/ and init/ scripts, this property must be modified :

# `true`  : import files from `common/` and `init/`
# `false` : only import files from `common/` (default behavior)

Advanced usage: Spring boot configuration#

Spring-boot flyway configuration properties are available here:

common/init behavior is controlled by an Igloo configuration that manages flyway.spring.locations based on migration.init.enabled value. If you want to use this mechanism, you must not redefine flyway.spring.locations.

If you want to customize flyway.spring.locations, it is advised to not use db.migration package (keep this classpath empty).

If you want to customize flyway.spring.locations and use both SQL and Java migrations, keep in mind that Java migrations you want to be Spring-injection-enabled must not be located in flyway.spring.locations; Spring-injection-enabled migrations must be Spring managed beans (declared with @Bean or @Component annotation).

You may restrict file discovery to sql files by using a pattern in your configuration: path/**/*.sql.

Create a Flyway data upgrade#

You can write your data upgrades either in SQL or Java. Here we have chosen to :

  • put your upgrades .sql in the folder src/main/resources/db/migration/common/ or src/main/resources/db/migration/init/

  • put your upgrades .java in the package db.migration.common or db.migration.init and annotate it with @Component

  • follow Flyway naming convention: V<major>_<minor>__<name>.sql/java. Follow your project’s convention to choose major/minor version (it may not match application version).

If you want to specify multiple locations, you have to separate them with commas.

Use SQL scripts to perform schema and data migration that can be performed reliably with SQL scripts.

If you need to use Hibernate API to perform data migrations, you need to create a DataUpgradeRecord entry so that it can be launched once flyway migration and hibernate startup are performed.

Create a SQL formatted data upgrade#

Just write your SQL script and place it in the configured migration locations. You can use basic templating with values defined in configuration properties by using Flyway placeholders mechanism.

Create a Java formatted data upgrade#

When Flyway migration are applied, Hibernate is not started. You can use Java code that do not use Hibernate API to access data (plain JDBC, JdbcTemplate, …).

If you want to use Hibernate or other components initialized after flyway, you have to create a DataUpgradeRecord row in database. This table is looked up once the Spring context is fully initialized to trigger a DataUpgrade. This DataUpgrade can use Hibernate APIs.

You can use V1_2__InitDataFromExcel as an example, and customize the targetted DataUpgrade:

protected Class<? extends IDataUpgrade> getDataUpgradeClass() {
  return DataUpgrade_InitDataFromExcel.class;

Create an Igloo data upgrade#

An Igloo data upgrade is a java class which implements IDataUpgrade.

Migration operations are performed by the perform() function.

Each Igloo data upgrade need to be registered in DataUpgradeManagerImpl bean:

public List<IDataUpgrade> listDataUpgrades() {
  return ImmutableList.<IDataUpgrade>of(
      new DataUpgrade_InitDataFromExcel()

Igloo 5.1.x Flyway migration#

From Igloo 5.1.X (with Flyway >9.9.0 version), Igloo custom flyway integration is replaced by spring-boot implementation. It allows to use the spring.flyway.* properties to control Flyway behavior.

The migration steps are needed to adapt an existing application so that:

  • SQL migration are present in the expected locations

  • Java migration are now Spring registered bean

  • Properties are renamed to the spring-boot equivalents

Property files#

  1. In configuration-env-*.properties, delete environment.flyway.locations.* properties:

  1. In, you must make the following changes :



  1. Check and modify in all .properties files (choose appropriate case):

  1. Disable flyway migration when using|update in configuration*.properties:


Migration files#

  1. Modify AbstractDataUpgradeMigration class according to this commit.

  2. Modify your JAVA script classes by adding the @Component annotation (otherwise they will not be applied).
    An example here.

  3. Move files :

    • From <project>.core.config.migration.init to db.migration.init

    • From <project>.core.config.migration.commom to db.migration.common