UI User Actions (TODO)


UI User Actions (TODO)#


  • request type (Ajax/non ajax)

  • button appearance (bootstrap button with or without label, non-bootstrap button, …)

  • button position (in a form, outside a form, in a table, …)

  • data (submits a form or not)

  • redirections (or not)

HTML Markup#

The following guidelines should be followed every time you add a button to a page:

  • if a click on your button launches javascript code, then use <button type="button">. This goes even if your button is outside of a form. This includes buttons triggering an ajax call (AjaxLink, AjaxSubmitLink, AjaxButton) as well as buttons triggering your own javascript.

  • if a click on your button submits a form without using ajax, then use <button type="submit">.

  • if a click on your button simply redirects to a bookmarkable page, then it is an actual HTTP link and you should use <a>.

The reason for these guidelines is that, while Wicket does support binding ajax calls to <a> (or even to arbitrary markup), Wicket does not, however, prevent the default event handler for this markup to execute when a user clicks. Unfortunately, that means that when a user click on a <a> with an ajax call bound to the click event, then first the ajax call will be performed, then the default action… Which is, for most browser, a scroll to the top of the page. Which probably isn’t what you want.